The development of tension in
"Dr. Heidegger's Experiment"
Daniela Jarosz
After the introduction of the main characters the tension curve of " Dr. Heidegger's experiment " really begins to rise with the again blossoming rose.
With each glass water of the source of youth, which the friends of Dr. Heidegger drink, the curve rises more and more as they grow younger until the plot finds its climax in the total chaos after the third glass.
The turning point is when the vase filled with the water is pushed off the table and breaks.
Afterwards the action is falling during the discussion about the water and its effect.
The dénouement of this short story consists in the lasting effect of the water on the three friends who now want to go and find the source and in the lesson which Dr. Heidegger has learned for himself from this experiment to a closed plot.
Klara Menges